This site is part of TradeDigitization.com which comprises the TRADE GATEWAYS and Web3 Gateways networks


IBM Digital Trade Services
IBM is a partner in the TradeDigitization.com Programme. IBM services are also provided, including Blockchain Services

Part of the TradeDigitization.com Programme
Blockchains.Business is part of the TradeDigitization.com Programme, which comprises of the TRADE GATEWAYS Network of over 300 Digital Trade Gateways, and the e-Debit Programme. Blockchains.Business can be accessed across the TRADE GATEWAYS Network.
TRADE GATEWAYS co-operates with B2B Marketplaces with millions of subscribers...
With the emergence of Blockchain technologies, new means of values exchange have developed, particularly with Tokenization and the Digitization of Trade. This can provide huge cost and time savings, and make trade much more efficient.
The Internet is entering its third phase, namely Web 3.0. This enable the ownership verification and transfer of digitized versions of products on blockchain networks such as the TradeDigitization.com Programme.
Web 3 is the Internet of value, Just like companies rushed to get websites for their products in the 1990's, future businesses will need to develop digitized versions of their products. The TradeDigitization.com Programme provides an Infrastructure for Trade Digitization across Web 3 Gateways
The Internet has undergone massive changes in the last five years which has led to the emergence of Web 3.
Features of Web 3 include distributed ledgers, NFTs, and cross-platform metaverses have become all the rage. However, there are barriers to entry to accessing and using Web 3. Web 3 Gateways break down those barriers to entry, and help provide access to Web3 services.
Web 3 is a paradigm which is changing the Internet and will greatly facilitate Trade. Web 3 Gateways are a critical component of how Web3 will be enabled and accessed for end users across the Globe.
Web 3 Gateways let you use Web 3 applications in your browser without having to install plugins or run separate pieces of software called nodes.
TradeDigitization.com has an advantage that no other company in this space have, namely a global TRADE GATEWAYS network. TradeDigitization.com is now implementing a Web 3 Gateways network, to complement the TRADE GATEWAYS network.
Blockchains are at the core of Web 3. Blockchains.Business is the prime internet location for Blockchains Business, and features TradeDigitization.com's lead partner, IBM, who are the global leaders of Blockchain. Other major partners will be featured in Web 3 Gateways in the TradeDigitization.com Programme.
Web 3 is the future of the Internet. Featuring Blockchains.Business within the TradeDigitization.com Programme, will be of significant value to users of the TradeDigitization.com Programme, and will assist with the adoption of Web 3....

About The IBM Blockchain Platform
IBM's enterprise-ready platform: The IBM Blockchain Platform
The IBM Blockchain Platform is a blockchain offered in two ways: either software-as-a-service offering on the IBM Cloud or via software to be deployed on any Kuberenetes cluster v1.17 or higher. It's the only fully integrated, enterprise-ready blockchain platform that's designed to simplify the development, governance, and operation of a decentralized, multi-institution, multi-cloud business network. The IBM Blockchain Platform accelerates collaboration in this decentralized world by leveraging open source technology from the Hyperledger Fabric framework.
The IBM Blockchain Platform makes it fast and easy for network members to start developing and quickly move to a collaborative environment with the performance, privacy, and security for even the most demanding use cases and regulated industries.
Start small and grow
The IBM Blockchain Platform allows you to deploy only what you need and dynamically add to your environment; you can alter the resources (CPU/Memory/Storage) on the individual nodes, or you can add more nodes in and of themselves. You can migrate from proof-of-concept to pilot to production on a secure, high-performance, and fully scalable network that you can’t outgrow.
The newest options give you the flexibility to bring your own infrastructure and deploy anywhere. This means deploy on-prem, or another hosting provider, while connecting your blockchain nodes and members together to transact. All this with the same look, feel and easy to use tooling that the IBM Blockchain Platform provides.
The platform is designed to be an easy and economical on-ramp to developing and testing pre-production applications through growing production ecosystems.
IBM Blockchain Platform overview